I just got hired for my fourth wedding! and this one is a Littttttle different!
She has a style she wants to achieve...Which is so great! Yay a prepared Bride! Buuutttt, I haven't quite mastered this style yet.
Although this isn't yet my strong suit! I am excited to be able to add another skill to my book of photography tricks after this wedding!
I don't know what you would call this style but here are a few example photos, the ones that I think I can achieve the best!
My Bride will also want to have props and things so any tips about using props would be most useful as well!
And I think she wants to do a glitter shot like the second sample photo, so any tips on how to not get glitter on a lens?
I've been playing around with some colors and this is what I came up with! I would love your feedback and recommendations for what I can change or what I can do better!
NOTE: I only use Lightroom, I am too broke to afford Lightroom and Photoshop.
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